Are you saying this is how you feel personally, or are you using that an explanation to invalidate my comment? If the latter, your comment is not relevant, because there was a plenty of opportunity in these conversations for them to see that I was struggling and did want to talk about it. These are people who engaged in the conversation, who understand what I was coming from, who asked a lot of question and were clearly interested, and saw that I was coming at this from having experience in both genders.
The problem with my observation is that women have a really hard time believing what I'm saying, and are thus looking for an explanation that doesn't point to something going on with women. I'm not saying that I have all the answers, and I'm not saying it's all women's fault, but there is definately something going on here. Probably related to many women's belief that they understand men, when they really don't....not even close. They appear to think men are pretty simple, and are all very similar in this simplicitly, lack of caring/feelings, etc. And I find that really sad. And this just might be indicative of why male/female relationships are so difficult - they don't understand each other, and in my personal experience, one of the genders is completely blind to what the other one is like.
I have spoken with many people about the differences I've experienced in going M to F. And people have engaged in many topic. But this one particular topic was the biggest surprise that I experienced (It was actually an interview question I received about a book I wrote), and the one that is so incredibly difficult for women to process - pretty much impossible. I find that combination to be extremely enlightening. Yet no woman seems to be able to understand it....btw: men understand it perfectly well....thus this big divide remains. So if you want to really understand men, this might be helpful.