Focusing on the positive is boring, but the only way out of this mess

Maria Konner
3 min readOct 8, 2023


Pasting my response to a post from Steve Schmidt about deprogramming MAGA thinking:

We have to remember that if Clinton was President it would have been more of the same — Politicians on both sides speaking out of both sides of their mouth (platitudes to Us and money to the Elites) to further corporate and money interests and a continued slow erosion of our culture and economic well being of many people. In 2016, I saw Clinton as Cancer and Trump as a Heart Attack. They both sucked — only Trump sucked a lot more so I reluctantly voted for Hillary while holding my nose. And the Democratic party basically anointed Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate and didn’t allow any other candidates despite a widespread hatred of her, well deserved. (Not to mention, Obama, one of the most arrogant presidents ever, being in love with his own image, was pushing progressive agenda without understanding how half the country viewed what he was doing when their own economic situation was getting trashed. Another politician in bed with the Elites).

So at the time after the 2016 election, I had no choice but to see Trump as a good thing (could half the country be crazy?) — a mild heart attack to wake us up to our unhealthy habits, and Clinton as a slow, but deadly cancer that would surely kill us in the long term. The idea being that Trump is a warning to the rest of the politicians to start focusing on the people not the elites, otherwise this monster will be President again. And maybe it has played out that way, although I doubt it. Many Democrats appear to be up to their usual dirty tricks, most likely because most of them are too stupid to see things any differently vs. their usual tactics of just doing what the money tells them to do. And remember, corporate and wealthy donor money has no soul. It’s just really good at organizing people. For example, it is well known that there will always be war profiteers, the morality of it is TOTALLY irrelevant, the only certainty in this world is Death, Taxes, and Greed.

The only way to stop MAGA are things like

  • A charismatic leader who focuses on the positive things and the future, and doesn’t take sides. (i.e. Gets people to STOP talking about Trump)
  • A existential threat binds us together
  • Congress passes laws to “improve” social media. That will not happen without a charismatic leader and without us stopping talking about simple narratives like Trump (US vs. THEM), because Congress is too stupid to know how to do this (How many people in Congress understand technology, how many know how to do anything but traditional politics?)
  • And to help the above, Donald Trump drops dead, which will eventually happen. Hopefully that will happen before another “good” replacement appears.

Remember, there is NOTHING NEW about Trump. We can remind people that’s he’s a monster and you need to get out and vote, but if people haven’t already got that, they aren’t going to get it now. But I understand people’s desperation to get their share of the noise.

And remember

If you’re going to tell the truth, you better make it funny and entertaining.


Here is the video I responded to.



Maria Konner
Maria Konner

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