Ha, yeah, that’s a tough one. I don’t blame people who are uneducated and ignorant, but several of my friends who are well off and educated have chosen to do this. At some point, you have to call them out. There is no ambiguity on this one. And there is nobody else to blame, but the populous. Not the politicians, not the media, not social media.
At the very minimum, I have no respect for them. I just don’t wanna talk to them anymore or hear anything they have to say. Debating them is like debating with the flat Earther , it is a complete waste of time, and soul crushing.
So how you approach this issue depends on what your objectives are. Is it to debate for your own purposes? If so, speaking to them is a complete waste of time. However, if you’re looking to sway the election, educate ignorant people, I don’t know how that can be done. That is a totally different conversation.