Ha…yes, there are many people who WORSHIP crypto / Bitcoin and think it’s superior in every way and will troll and gaslight anybody who suggests it’s a complicated debate.
Regarding criminal activity, this is interesting because it used to be used for a lot of illegal activity at first (eg for purchasing drugs on Silk Road), but it’s been getting harder and harder to do something illegal as governments have better tracking. Your public key has always been traceable, but if you purchase Bitcoin with something else untraceable (cash, laundered money), it’s still possible to do something illegal and avoid taxes, and never transfer the value to fiat (eg using it only for illegal untraceable activities), but that appears to be risky and complex (I’m not an expert in using crypto for illegal activities, although I’ve been asked a lot about it). My understanding is that there are services to hide your key or identity by having another key act as a proxy, but I don’t know how they work or how risky this is (eg are those fly by night services, can they get audited, etc.)