I don’t have any doubts now. My life is so full, fun, and I make people happy, I don’t have the stress of dating and romance, and can focus on me. I used to have doubts because I really wanted to be a straight man in a romantic relationship with a woman, but for some reason the universe decided it wasn’t in the cards for me. So I just accepted my transition and stopped questioning it. Once I started sleeping with guys that pretty much sealed my fate, because I found out I really enjoyed it. I’m not really that attracted to guys but I think I just really enjoy feeling like a woman.
I used to wonder why people liked me better as a woman. Some people said I enjoyed being a woman more. I don’t think that was it. But, when I’m a woman I can just be very expressive and honest with my emotions something I apparently can’t do as a man. I guess people think men can’t be that way. But at this point I don’t really care why. Cheers!
Ps: I wrote a book about it. Info on my website.