I don’t waste my time with people who are setting such a trap (I have decades of experience falling into traps). I’m going to geek out and use an ISO framework to claim I’m a woman. It’s a very simple two step process:
1) Define your criteria (Ie make a declaration about what you mean by a woman). Some will agree and some won’t. But you can’t goto step #2 until YOU make the definition clear. This is a professional framework.
2) Then decide if you think you’re a woman based on # 2.
In many ways I am a woman and in many ways I’m a man. According to my various definitions of being a man or woman. They are all true and interesting.
Arguing with somebody about definitions as if there is one definition ordained by some god is ludicrous and a waste of time. Actually childish. (There are a lot of adult children out there)
What’s the definition of insanity?
Arguing with a crazy self-centered person. If you do that, YOU’RE the insane person. What do you have to gain? Probably nothing, so don’t waste your time.