I find it useful to distinguish between
1) Woke
2) Woke Mind Virus
BTW: I'm M2F trans and lived in San Francisco for 15 years, and recently moved back to NYC.
These are just words, so I'm going to apply my understanding for the purposes of this comment:
1) WOKE = being aware of the need to be compassionate and tolerant for people who are different, and be open to helping them and cutting them a little extra slack
2) WOKE MIND VIRUS = Overplaying your Woke hand by constantly being in people's face about it, making demands that are so excessive you are starting to hurt people by applying your beliefs to people that aren't in the same situation as you and you don't see it, and just in general using the woke card to be a jerk, probably to get attention and power, and feel like a hero.
There are both WOKE (good) and WOKE MIND VIRUS (BAD) people in every demographic. And there are plenty of the bad kind in my Male-to-Female Trans group. E.g.INSIST on trans women in competitive sports, INSIST on gender transition for a child at a very young age, ACCUSE people of hatred if they say the wrong pronouns even once (which I still do sometimes by mistake). And then ACCUSE you of hating trans people if you disagree with them on anything!!!. But, all trans people are NOT the same, most are simply WOKE. And some are WOKE MIND VIRUS, but often get an outsized amount of attention due to the nature of social media.
And per this article, there are a lot of WOKE MIND VIRUS "liberal" people who treat men like shit. I know that for a FACT, because I used to be man, and I fucking hate it, and did NOT deserve it. Occasionally I present as a man, and I STILL have people treat me like complete garbage, and that almost NEVER happens to me as a woman. Even some cis women who know me both as a man and a women, can't stand me when I'm a man!!!! And most of them are queer San Francisco women — straight women are largely OK with it. Some can't even stand looking at me!!!!!! That makes me fucking angry, but I ignore it and spend most of my time as a woman. It's more fun anyway.
But most people aren't like this. Bottom line is there are both good people and assholes in every demographic. That's one of these top 10 great lessons in life.
So the election that shows us split, doesn't really show us who people really are. The AI Social Media Algorithms have optimized the split in our collective minds to maximum engagement, which means division, contempt and confusion. And if we keep doing this, our overseas "competitors" are going to eat us up. And I wouldn't be surprised if they’re not behind some of this AI crap and propaganda.