I live as both a straight man (sex with women) and a straight woman (sex with men). I calculated that it is approximately 250 easier getting laid when I’m a woman (once every five years vs once a week). But as you indicated, it’s my opportunity to get laid, not my desire to lower my standards and get laid all the time.
However the fact that I can get sex so easily as a woman, and flirt and feel desired has a huge positive impact in my life in terms of self esteem, and my ability to be more selective and honest in relationships because I know I can go out on a weekend and there is a very high probability that I can get laid if I want to, if not one weekend, then the next — vs being a man which is nothing but frustration and the resulting bad choices that come from desperation.
The vast majority of women have no concept of just how frustrating, difficult, and humiliating it is to be a man when it comes to sex and romance
It is soul killing and can drive you to the brink of insanity, not only in the innate sexual desire, but also having to resist not going ballastic at the constant rejection, and resisting the temptation to get aggressive in order to get your physical needs met. I suppose it all equals out, because men generally have no idea the difficulty women have in the workforce and just generally having to deal with certain things in life.