I love Scott Galloway as well, I've heard him talking about men not being "economically viable". (Although I wonder if he is purposely being vague in describing what that means for example: being able to put food on the table vs. can afford a 100K sports car and $2K outfit).
I think the #1 reason why men have a problem with dating is it's being online. It's a fucking cesspool, and has NOTHING to do with reality. Most people don't even get into the front door. And online dating naturally encourages people to focus on looks more than otherwise.
It wouldn't be so difficult for men if there were more non-online opportunities to meet people - to actually have a real conversation with them, both sides open to discovering, to have a natural progression into a more intimate conversation. But no!!! Not in modern times. We don't have time for that for two reasons
1) We all have less time to spend going out somewhere to meet people
2) Because of #1, the number of people we would meet if we did #1 is 10x less than it was 15 years ago, so it's less effective and there is less of a motivation to do so. What do you - goto a bar? How many times per month are we talking here? And what if your hobbies don't attract the right sex or kind of person. Change your hobbies? Really? Our free time is so precious, we're supposed to change our interests?
And so when men get a sense that a woman isn't interested in them (true or not true), they sabotage the relationship and say something nasty, to protect themselves from what they think is going to be yet another disappointment. We've all been traumatized. We are not all that bad, we are all suffering from agonizing humiliation, frustration and depression from a system that is fucked up!
That's why I went M2F trans, I couldn't take being a man anymore! Invisible! Immediately criticized for having any feelings or expressing myself! It's 250x times easier getting a date with a man as a woman vs vice versa. 250X!!...and this is empirical data! (I wrote about this in my book).
And as you just said about the social platforms, not only do they serve up and promote and reward crap (enshitification as Corey Doctorow calls it), frustrating us even more, they are a fucking virus which attacks young children (I wrote about that as well and created cartoons and an evil villain to show it!) Wow, I can't believe those bastards are sending fish hooks out to kids!!! OMG! And I've seen my own adult friends get fish hooked - because they're bored and depressed.....and also get hooked by demagogues. All of this stuff about how to hook and brainwash people and societies is well known, but yet we can't see it or stop it!!! It's in plain sight!! That's how depressed and angry people are!
The insidious thing is who should they be angry at?!! It's really a bunch of politicians and capitalists looking for their self interest, while most of us are sitting on our couches, waiting for them to "to do the right thing!" I used to be a lobbyist and they laugh at the average person who doesn't understand that they need to get off the couch, organize, and fight for what's right and fight for their children future. So who should we be mad at? The schools for not teaching us how democracy really works? Who's fault is that? People are pointing the finger not really knowing who to point it at when it really ultimately needs to be pointed at collective selves for being lazy.
Yea, you should coach men. These "soft skills" are SO important to people's lives and our society, but we keep looking for "hard" things to fix. It's hard to fix the "soft" things! Even at work, our problems are caused by "soft" problems, but these mostly male engineer geeks, don't see the value of "soft" skills. It's not 80/20, it's 20/80 in importance! And yes we need men to stand up and start giving examples. I tried to do that as a man and I was lambasted, or ignored, or humiliated so many times for "caring" and "expressing" I gave up (being an activist, lobbyist, and a man) and went trans. And I find it somewhat ironic, that now people pay attention to me SO much more, because I suppose trans people are certainly not boring, and they must be courageous and determined. That's the kind of person you want to be hearing from.
I'm looking forward to reading the new Sex Podcasts..