I rarely approach people directly with negative comments, but sometimes I do it because I just want to do it. I’ve done this several times to a few of my friends because I want them to know how much they disappoint me. I want them to know this is how Hitler came to power because of the behavior of people like them. Particularly one of them who I helped him get to a situation where he could retire and live in the mountains. And he turned into a grumpy, angry man, directly because of his ability to disengage from people and act like the world revolves around him. You can’t be a saint all the time. I have a family member who literally listens to Fox News all day long and all night nonstop. I told her I can’t visit her anymore. I can’t take it.
Absolutely agree there’s a difference when people are just frustrated and disengaged. But here’s the problem. I was an environmental lobbyist for several years and the number people who engaged and were interested in what I was doing? Zero. I had to fight all alone in hearing after hearing to try to instill some logic in what the people in the committee were talking about. I was surrounded by lawyers after lawyer after lawyer getting paid tons of money , all while friends who claim they cared about in the environment didn’t want to lift one finger to help, other than claiming on Facebook posts that they cared. I used to do lobbing for the oil industry (quite accidentally), and the irony is that even though I left that because I couldn’t stand the values that they stood for, it was a much better experience than environmental lobbying. The people in the oil industry were at least professional, engaged, I got paid, people paid attention to what we were doing, we got stuff done. In the green energy it was all a big massive disorganized clusterfuck with nobody interested in what we were actually doing. We had no support.
Because of the lack of engagement in our democracy, we are fucked! That’s why I quit being a lobbyist. I decided to focus on something fun like music. And now I’m a performer in New York City as well as a cyber security architect - the biggest problem right now is this country is propaganda. All the security experts agree. They also all agree the problem is education, but you can’t educate people who don’t want to be educated because it would burst their little bubble. I stared into the jaws of the dragon of capitalism and propaganda, and it is really scary. There is nobody else to blame except for the people.