I really feel for this guy, because I went through the same thing (minus friends sleeping with each other at that level, only a little bit). And the Reddit thing is adding insult to injury. Hopefully, there were some people who gave him support. Even so, it's so hard to hear people blaming it on you, when you know you're really trying your best.
In my case, I never knew why I was so rejected (and thus despised) as a man. Maybe it was because I was an old school romantic. Maybe it's because I'm very artistic (i.e. not a "real" man). Maybe it's because I had an really ugly birth defect on my chin (which was finally removed several years ago when the Tech caught up).
At this point I don't care, because I decided to become a woman. Where people love me for exactly who I am (artistic, emotional, romantic and all). And the men love me. I took me a while to develop an attraction to men, but what made it easier was they like me exactly for who I was. And I'm not talking about just being trans.
And getting back to Reddit / social media. When I describe my path on social media and what drove me to transition, I get support and understanding from my most, with 1 consistent exception - OTHER TRANS WOMEN!!. A lot of trans women (not all, but maybe 25 of responses from trans women), are full of hate, because they see me as an autogynphelic trans woman, whom they HATE. Probably because they think I make ALL trans women look bad. Which has a modicum of truth because of the nature of social media fueled hate and propaganda, but that's not my fault.
When I first starting going out as a trans in 2006, I lived in San Francisco and what a glorious time that was because the Internet hadn't yet killed the IRL meeting places. Now almost all of the places for marginal communities are gone (e.g trans bars are pretty much all gone from major cities), replaced by online dating which to call it a cesspool, would be an understatement. Cesspools, don't kill people's soul.
And the Internet is supposed to connect us better? It's doing the opposite in many cases.