I straddle these worlds — I work in tech and am very involved in the performing arts, drag, etc. These Tech folks are completely oblivious to what’s happening and mostly have zero interest in it and zero opportunity to be exposed to it and zero exposure to articles like this. They have two objectives:
- Make as much money as possible, network with other tech people, and constantly read up keeping abreast of the latest tech trends. It’s a highly competitive environment and most people WORSHIP tech and the power it provides.
- Taking care of their family and spending time with them-soccer practices and kids birthday parties with other tech people to network
They will not waste a single iota of time on anything that does not help them with one of the above. I know, i work with them and we tried getting them to come to various community events I was involved in producing.
It doesn’t matter what any of us say as we’re just preaching to the choir.