I understand and agree with many of your points in that people have reasons to be mad at traditional politicians who brought it upon themselves. Most of us agree that traditional politicians on both sides are incompetent or on the take.
However, we have to tell the truth. A lot of people are falling for propaganda (a good part of it probably coming from our enemies such as Putin who publically said years ago that propaganda on social media is the only way to take down the US). And it’s working because a whole lot of Americans are too stupid and/or selfish to see the most basic things like
1) Trump tried overthrowing the election results
2) The VP cannot chose the president, we learned that in 4th grade.
They keep trying to change the subject to something like Inflation, immigration, etc,
I’m telling the truth that I’m fucking pissed as hell that we are even in this situation and these people ought to be ashamed of themselves. There is simply no excuse for this. And some of these people are my friends and family.
This is a more serious problem than anything in my life time. And these dumb asses, yes dumb asses, are going to destroy the greatest gift ever given to mankind- something countless number of people fought and DIED to protect. And they’ll goto their grave not taking a single shred of responsibility because they won’t be able to admit they got conned. This is right out of the psyops playbook that Putin knows so well. So in a sense it’s not their fault, but there is nobody else to solve this problem but the people. And so many are failing so miserably!
I used to be a lobbyist, and I know from personal experience how difficult it is to managed government. But i also know from personal experience how uninvolved and uninterested the populace is in learning how to be a diligent and active citizen.
So the only question that really matters is what are we going to do about it.
I don’t know if anybody knows. But it will take some serious leadership and charisma from a new breed of politician to fix it. Somebody who needs to get positive attention when it’s so hard to get attention in a world dominated by con artists and their partners - social media platforms who rake in the $ and are complicit in this… driven by the disgusting me me me, power power power, $ $ $ tech culture who worships, let me say that again, worships money and power. I should know, I work in Tech.