I used to be an environmental lobbyist, and I quit because I got zero support from anybody. I think the reason is because it takes money to get anything done in Washington, and nobody’s willing to put up the money, because there’s no financial benefit in the short term. There may be plenty of people out there who care about the environment, but when it comes to actually doing something about it, like going to congressional hearings, spending a lot of time on influencing policy makers and talking about it, there’s just nobody there. Ultimately lobbyist need to get paid, for example, I literally could not afford to continue to do environmental lobbying.
When I lobbied for cyber security liability reform, we did get people to put up money. The insurance industry, the American banking Association. Didn’t see the same thing when it came to the environment, it’s too long-term and there’s no organization that will benefit in the short term by putting up the money.