I work in risk management which includes cybersecurity and green energy. They both have the same problem. Taking on these problems is a thankless job. If you do a great job, few notice and few care. From a career perspective, the best thing than can happen to you is you don’t get fired…because nothing will happen and almost nobody will care. They’ll tell you at cocktail parties and in meetings that they care, but when in comes to priorities in everyday life, these things are dead last…
It takes a special person with special resources to keep pushing forward on the environmental work. When I was an environmental lobbyist I thought I would enjoy a social community of like minded people..that never happened…in the best case it’s populated by idealists who don’t know how to get things done (eg with government and corporate action) and this requires money. All the really competent people were out earning a living and not available for this work. I was frustrated,lonely, depressed, and broke for too long while pursuing this passion, so I gave up.