If one believes in democracy, then this is about the US electorate and the political system, not Trump. Our electorate chose Trump for a reason. Why would they vote for a Narcissistic Sociopath? (I don’t need any more proof that he is such)
- Because Hillary was anointed and was a bad choice and Democrats are getting what they deserve?
- Because the Media has turned us into a bunch of morons?
- Because pop culture, entertainment and advertising turned us into a bunch of Morons?
- Because Obama ignored the needs of middle America with his arrogance
- Because our political system is broken and needs to be fixed and this lightening strike and wake up call may be the best way to stir the pot?
- Because this proves democracy doesn’t work?
- Because democracy requires a good story teller and not weak platitudes?
- All of the above?
Buddhists say everything is as it should be. There is something to be learned here, what is it? What are we going to do about it other than bitch about this guy Donald Trump? That’s exactly what he wants us to do so we diffuse our energy. I don’t want to talk about him anymore than I want to take about the asshole who killed John Lennon.
I used to be a lobbyist and I basically gave up that game because I have no idea what to do other than to not play their game. I’m still working out what game needs to be played. We should consider that the US is the most advanced civilization in the world, this would happen to any intelligent society. As we approach the great filter (think Fermi Paradox) this is our time to figure it out smartly or die.