In principle I agree, but this is not Black or White, we need to consider a few other factors:
There is a lot of propaganda out there - this is psychological warfare. The Democrats suck and their behavior is shameless, but did the Trump supporters really understand the risks that we are taking in breaking down the whole system, and supporting so many blatant lies. Maybe this is the best path to kick the Democratics in the ass, maybe it isn’t.
Some of us have to cut out our most vocal friends. It’s just too painful, many of them we don’t respect anymore, this is an issue of morals. Some of them are clearly treating this like a wrestling match.
This will give us space to breathe and focus our energy on people we need to be around, and we can then all decide if/how we want to participate in engaging in blogging, activism, local / state politics, to help address the biggest issues that are tearing us apart (eg social media prop)
Then we can considering reaching back out to friends who we had to cut off.
We all need to remember, very little is Black or White, we’re all confused as to what’s going on.