It's always too good to remind people that no matter how smart you are (or think you are), or how successful in business, you are not immune from:
1) Hubris
2) Incompetance or stupidity in a new realm
3) Corruption - intentional or otherwise (e.g. deluding yourself when it serves your desires)
4) Manipulation by others who have a hidden motive
5) Being totally unaware of impact on and needs of other people
6) Irresponsible or childish behavior
Yet these folks can now affect the entire planet. It is not appropriate for any one person to have too much power (e.g. The President's Powers are limited).
The big TV networks in the old days didn't have the ability (or rights?) to spread hate and organize insurrections.
Problem is our government has probably just about reached the inflection point where it is incapable of managing our society with any degree of effectivness - in their knowledge, intelligence, experience, and now emotional state (how to manage a huge segment of the population who is addicted to hate).