Lisa, good to know that. That's a pretty sad situation. I guess in general it was harder back then and Blanchard made it worse. I feel bad, and I understand better.
And here goes my "but" again...that doesn't give them the right to use this to demonize me. There are many other kinds of examples where people where hurt by some people, and took it out and other people who looked similar but had nothing to do with it. e.g. Some men hate women who look like their mothers, etc.
Also I've gotten shit from younger trans women who just don't like girls like me, and they resent us classifying as trans women. And that's THEIR problem. They're just assholes, plain and simple.
Perhaps we could use a different word, but what would that word be, and I suspect if we used a different word, many trans women would still demonize people like me, because they just don't like us.
Too bad more of us can't meet in person. Back in San Francisco before the Internet killed our meeting places, I used to meet tons of trans women who were visiting SF because they either wanted to come to the famous Divas TS bar (which had all genres on 4 floors), or I would run into them at the piano bar I played at or other well known venues. And those places too have been either shutdown because of the Internet, or are mostly empty. And as a result, we have people yelling at each other online, in order to get attention and find community. Pretty sad.