Modern Dating: Sex first, maybe romance later

Maria Konner
3 min readJan 26, 2020


I don’t make up the rules, but in order to not be frustrated, best to know the way things really are. I think many of us are in denial about it. I’m old fashioned, I prefer to get to know somebody first, be romantic, then make love. So many people laugh at me for being so old fashioned. Modern dating is clearly having sex first, and then if all that fucking works out, and you can tolerate each other, and you keep having fun, then maybe think about hanging out without fucking, and if that works out, then maybe try the romance thing and if that works out, then hey, why not, try dating. That’s a lot of “ifs”, but who cares, if it doesn’t work out, you can very quickly recover from any expectations and bail out. There’s a lot of fucking available to keep you satiated and give you a weekly or monthly reward for all that hard work you’re doing competing against everybody else in a globally competitive, cut-throat, soulless work environment. We need guaranteed fun available to make it in this world. I can’t handle both a shit/frustrating work environment and a shit/frustration dating environment. And fuck buddies don’t cost much money, don’t take too much time, and don’t require you to compromise your life and attitudes. If you try to resist, you can’t compete in life. Plus corporate America loves it — nice productive workers who don’t have a romantic partner to give them the strength to resist the machine. And the 1% can more easily neutralize our collective humanity so they can keep concentrating power. It all works out pretty well, it’s nicely fine tuned to our modern world.

And then those very same people who laugh about those seeking romance, later complain about the lack of romance themselves. But there is nothing they can do about it, so they go along with the new dating memes. And trick themselves into believing in and endorsing those memes, so they don’t feel frustrated and depressed. And of course, can remain globally competitive. (Of course, I’m doing this very same thing).

Yea I wish it were different, but like I said, I don’t make up the rules. When I was a cis/straight man, I couldn’t live this way. Trying to change the world, or go against such overwhelming odds is a fools mission. So I changed me instead, my sex specifically. Now I’m a woman, and I fuck guys, which are also 250x easier to get into bed vs. women — I calculated it from my own actual empirical data. Plus, no romance to distract me anymore, and humiliate me, destroying my confidence. I have zero romantic interest in men, so it’s really easy for me. I’m not saying that women in general just like to fuck, I’m saying THIS woman just likes to fuck. And she is a lot happier than he ever was. And I can now operate at peak performance in life. If you don’t feel sexy and wanted in your personal life, you can’t operate at peak performance in life.

I justify it by figuring romance wasn’t real anyway. Maybe it was at some point, but it appears to have gotten too infected by the commercial machine. Who wants to go near something that has been infected? Ew! I don’t know if I’m right or wrong on this, but it just doesn’t matter anymore, and I’m operating at peak performance and having the best time of my life. People say to me, hey now maybe you will find that romantic partner, now that you’re much happier. And I respond with, “No, I’m not falling for that trick”. You want to be romantic with me, let’s fuck a bunch first and see if we get along. Then after that maybe I’ll talk about myself, and tell you a little bit about my dreams, and beliefs in life, and listen to yours. Otherwise why would I waste my time only to have a 99% chance I’ll again find myself in the dork or friends zone. Plus if the sex isn’t good, the romance will likely go down the drain eventually, so get that out of the way first. This way we both operate at peak efficiency and fun. Let’s both be realistic, modern singles.

I’m excited to finishing the final draft on my upcoming book. More at



Maria Konner
Maria Konner

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