Most of this stuff is so obvious, yet so many people go about their programmed lives not realizing they are literally possessed by what is “Normal”. By definition “Normal” = average, not necessarily what is natural. It’s a good thing to have normal blood pressure, because it’s natural.
Being stuck in a framework defined by a society driven by big business and advertisers is Normal, but it’s not Natural. It’s Normal to be scared or hostile to people who resist being PROGRAMMED by our straight society which basically rapes people’s soul to make them adhere to a societal construct that allows big business and big politics to scale to a common set of values they can control. And to add insult to injury, anybody who resists, who wants to be Natural instead of Normal as defined by big business and big politics, is brutalized or marginalized by the programmed Normal minions of this heinous system.
What can we do? Be natural and spread fun and love, many people (especially our youth) will hopefully see that Normal is often full of bad energy and natural is full of good energy. At least that’s the idea..