My nephew is a great example. He went to an overpriced mediocre university that he should never have gone to, despite some people in the family telling him he shouldn’t do it. He has $900 a month payment for 25 years in student loan debt and no job prospects. The job situation is caused by the fact that he’s lazy. He made no effort in University to work hard and make good use of the resources available. Who’s fault is that? And you want the taxpayers to forgive him for making such obviously stupid decisions? Do you want the taxpayers to give money these unscrupulous crappy universities? And to fund them to continue to be unscrupulous and crappy?I don’t want to give my money to them.
University is a scam. It doesn’t make sense to go to these universities unless you have taken the responsibility to make a good decision. If you’re majoring in something like bio chemistry or immunology yeah you got to go to a fancy University. But if you go there to party or major in some nondescript major like communications then maybe you should to get a little wise and go to a community college instead. The burden should be on the person to make a good decision given the financial reality of what they’re doing and not get sucked in by all the hype and BS.
So what you’re really talking about is educating people about how much this whole thing is a farce. Of course I don’t know how it is possible to educate people against all the mind manipulation and BS hype about going to a university. Who’s fault is that? How do we solve that brainwashing problem?
Forgiving debt at this scale might sound good to the average person who doesn’t think through what’s going on, and might help you get votes, but the reality is you’re just fueling a corrupt and broken system. It makes sense to try to do something to alleviate the debt because the students are the the ones who suffer even if they’re making bad decisions. So we need to think through this problem a little more clearly vs just throwing good money at bad people