Of course, but those men won't have access to most women because they're not good looking enough so it doesn't matter what they think. They're invisible and irrelevant.
There are so many women who post basically the SAME material about how men should treat women better, etc. What they don't seem to realize is they are talking about only a portion of men. They have no idea what most men are really like, nor do they care to know. I became a woman (M2F) and spent a lot of time learning about women, and in my 15 years of being a woman, not a single woman showed any interest in understanding men better. Because they think they do. They are so wrong, yet they just don't care. They think they're at the top of the food chain.
One of the things that I learned about women, is that if you could pick the top 5 most important characteristics of a man, and had to give up one or two (i.e. to compromise), almost all will claim in public that they would give up him being really good looking. But in private, girl-to-girl, absolutely not true. Him being really good looking is an absolute requirement, it's a starting point - i.e. the LAST thing they would give up.
Your assertions that men aren't needed as much is absolutely true and very insightful. And many men need to come to terms with that. And this makes it even harder for the average looking guy who's inner personallity and excellence far exceeds his looks. Most women will never know what it's like to have a healthy relationship with a man. And whose fault is that? I really don't know, because you can't necessarily blame them for societies ill's.