Religion was created over the last few thousand years to:
1) Make us feel like we aren’t alone and have some control of the world around us
2) Codify important concepts across the generations (how to cultivate the land, the seasons, what kind of food might make you sick)
3) To control society and stop chaos (through fear of God, setting agreed upon rules)
4) To create stories about a higher power to bind us together. And remind us that there is a higher power than any individual…and it doesn’t matter that much what it is
5) To get political power by controlling the way large groups of people vote
6) To make money
7) To represent important concepts through stories
8) To represent and pay homage to what people believe is a deity - regardless of whether that is true or not
This has all been going on for thousands of years. So which are still relevant today? Which in descending order of importance.? I would say:
5 - power
6 - make money
1 - so we don’t feel alone
8 - pay homage
4 - create stories and remind us of a higher power (this is probably the most important, especially to provide to children)
2, 3, 7: The rest are relics and are probably best done other ways.