Some people are just so incredibly stupid it's staggering. I have not seen a single piece of evidence that any company (including my own) has actually thought this through. They must be so focused on the optics - what it looks like. (I'm sure there are companies or people that have thought this through, but they must be seriously in the minority).
The policy depends very much on the nature of the job and the company. Here are 2 VERY SIMPLE examples:
1) A global company, with offices all over the world and most people work with people who aren't in the same office.
2) A small company with a single office where everybody works in the same office.
Huge difference right? Can you see where I'm going with this?
In the first case, going to the office provides almost no benefit at all. And it causes all kinds of problems. A lot of these companies have meetings in the early mornings and evenings to accommodate the time zone difference. So you want people to regularly get up at 6AM to attend 4 hours of meetings, and then they have to get in their car and goto the office just so it "looks" good? And then drive back home and have an evening meeting and do this again this next morning. Are you fucking stupid?? Well yes, sort of - I find it impossible for people to be that stupid, they're just biased and too focused on what "looks good", so if they're not stupid, they're weak.
My company didn't even understand the concept of possibly having a hybrid where since most of the people we work with are overseas, of having one day (e..g Thursday is a good day ) which is local day and people are encourage (or required) to come into the office, and Mon-Wed is International Day. Simple concept, but since it's never been done before, and people are robots, this simple concept can't get through their thick corporate trained, only-care-about-optics dumb ass minds.
And what about people where the very nature of their job is remote: for example high specialized skills like cybersecurity where it's hard to find people and they naturally are involved with the entire company across the globe. That's very different from somebody who manages the staff at a manufacturing facility. Yet weak-minded dumbasses want to treat these as the same. Why? Probably because they want to dumb down the argument to win the argument and make themselves look good in the short-attention span online world vs. actually considering how to address this complex issue.