Thank you for acknowledging up front this is not what “all men” do, but that men on average do this more than women, which I agree with. (I know men very well). Otherwise people have a tendency to interpret a statement like “men” do xyz as “all men” or “all men that I personally know” and that gives them an excuse to get on their high horse and just bitch to get attention.
I know men very well because I used to be a man. It is absolutely true that most men are encouraged to be power hungry, self-centered, non empathetic assholes who care only about looking / being powerful without taking into account the consequences of their behavior in attitudes and relationships. I found it intolerable being criticized, ostracized, and/or ignored/marginalized for showing traits like empathy, care, passion, creativity etc. I became a women precisely because when I experimented with it (on Halloween in San Francisco), people suddenly loved me. So I went with it (to make a long story short)
A lot of men don’t like “men”, for precisely the same reason. They are probably in the minority. And to make matters worse many such men are lambasted for just being a man by some women. And these men have different ways of dealing with this—in many cases that strike back at women and the cycle continues. (My path was different from most).
Most of the asshole men are not going to change anymore than will Congress vote to curb lobbying money…they feel like they have power and won’t give it up. The best way to handle such men is to ignore them, don’t talk to them, don’t talk about them, don’t date them, don’t sleep with them, etc. Sure warn women about them, but don’t harp on it too much, otherwise you’ll end up talking about the bad behavior of “men” instead of “some men”, and the social media platforms love that because eyeballs mean revenue and power…something that most of these men (and some women) that run and finance these platforms love.