Thanks Felicia, I’m getting close to cancelling my social media accounts (except Medium which is in a different category), but in my case I need Facebook to stay connected to a community as I’m a performer. So my “disconnecting” may be more viewing it as a professional requirement similar to LinkedIn. This “disconnecting” makes it less personal and less psychologically harmful. I’m finding Facebook to be more and more frivolous. Just the other day one of my friends posted some stupid article about the College Admission Scandal — but it was a useless article, it was some stoner making some really dumb joke. She wasted my time by posting it and I let her know it — she was a professional News Producer and I was disappointed to see that she was contributing to the frenzy. 95%+ of the stuff on Facebook is like this.
I find Medium to be a completely different demographic. 95%+ of the stuff on Medium is content driven by people who appear to really be interested in serious and interesting topics. On the other hand I don’t come to Medium to interact with friends, I come here to interact with similarly minded people who care about important topics, qualify of life, etc and take this stuff seriously, and don’t feel like they are in a contest to be the next Kardashian.
I guess we need to find a balance between real friends, professional networks (e.g. LinkedIn, maybe Facebook in some cases), and networks of people who take online interactions with a broad community seriously (e.g. Medium I hope).
Good luck with your new Paradigm!