Thanks for acknowledging that it's not ALL women who.... or ALL men who..... These kinds of discussions are very difficult without hard data. For example there are many women who will only date tall guys who are in the top 10% of being good looking. That is a fact. Not ALL women, but MANY women. There are also many women who really don't care what a guy looks like (assuming he's not a slob) or how much money he makes - they care about who he is as a person. That is a fact. Not ALL women, but MANY women. So it comes down to what does "MANY" mean? (More than 50%. More than 1000? More than 1M?). The vast majority of people don't mean "ALL", they mean "MANY".
So a lot of this comes down to people's personal experience, the circles they run in, and their patience.
I have a rare perspective in that I used to be a man who dates women, and now I'm a woman who dates men. So I've been both sides. And hundreds (maybe thousands) of both women and men have shared their inner thoughts and feelings about dating (I'm an entertainer so I meet a ton of people all the time). Thanks for the article, but I don't agree with your statement above. The most common reason men (and women) get passed up is because they are busy (like we all are) and online dating is a cesspool. They don't even get a chance. Online data is complete and total bullshit, it has NOTHING to do with reality, and it does increase people's tendency to make their choices based on looks.
I think we all know this, and yea it would be great to go out more and try to meet people in person, but where? At a bar? How many nights a months are we talking about here? You might meet people at events and doing hobbies you enjoy, but what if those hobbies don't attract the opposite/desired sex. I guess you could change your hobbies to meet more prospects, but that can feel very disingenuous.
It should not be this hard!!! People are frustrated! And that's why many people (mainly guys) get nasty, because they are so depressed, and sad over the situation, they want to scream. So they take it out on others. Doesn't justify it, but explains it.
For most people, modern dating sucks! And it is a lot easier if you're really good looking. That's why I eventually gave it up, now I just want to flirt and have casual sex, and I'm MUCH happier.