Thanks for the details! If you watch Porn looking for something hot or new, best to try it in real life asap instead of spending years fantasizing about it because otherwise you’ll spend years and untold amount of energy chasing a dream that isn’t exactly real and get increasingly ugly and violent in many cases. What does it feel like, taste like, smell like. I never thought I be into giving a blowjob until my girlfriend dumped in in a real humiliating way.
I went on Craigslist, and two days later I gave my first blowjob without a condom…holyshit…I was hooked, and never went back. It was so erotic, I had this new power to work it slowly and build up, i didn’t expect the sweet taste of precum, i discovered deepthroating in about 5 mins, the tension in his cock when he came, and then the insanely crazy unique taste of that first load in my mouth and then it dripping down my chin on my chest and the lingering tingly taste in my mouth. I started giggling so hard, because I was so happy that I now had this new way to please somebody and be sexual…and i could do this all the time, instead of waiting 5 years between romantic/sexual dates with women. Wow….new rules!
If it wasn’t for porn, I wouldn’t have even thought about, i would have just felt like a frustrated loser and i probably would have killed somebody out of frustration and anger for being constantly rejected as a guy. Or rather I should say ignored.