Thanks for the respectful comment. Yes it’s important than people respect others who are similar yet different (ie different variations of trans), and don’t do something ridiculous like assume that ALL trans women are exactly the same (that’s as ridiculous as saying ALL Christians, or Jews, or Blacks are exactly the same).
I know that many trans women have been hurt by some others belief that ALL trans women are AG. And I’ve learned we that it has been particularly bad with older trans women who were denied care because of it. I feel bad for them. Yet some of them have been vehemently hostile to anyone who identifies as AG, denying our right to exist, and identify as trans. But this is also the case with younger trans women who didn’t experience denial of care, but for some reason hate trans women who identity as AG (maybe because they personally find it offensive or have been mistaken for AG).
I understand how they might FEEL upset, but when they deny our right to exist, especially after reading a post like mine, and won’t acknowledge a single point and just demonize AG women like me, my level of compassion for them goes away. They’re just simply being assholes and being trans is NOT an excuse to be as asshole when people are trying to explain their differences.
There are assholes in every demographic (trans included), and acting like an asshole unfortunately gives a bad impression of the whole demographic to many people.