The biggest questions:
1) Who has set up this system and who is continuing to administer it
2) Why don’t more of us see what’s happening?
They are both rooted in the same problem-it so much easier to look good then be good. Ie. To put in the hard work vs creating a fantasy. I’ve worked with a lot of these #1 power brokers. They’re not aware of their behavior. They truly believe in what their doing - eg selling cheap pop culture is just so much easier and has so much higher financial rewards than doing something of excellence. It allows mediocre people to win in a mediocre world.
And for everybody else (#2), same issue, it’s just easier. And the school system and pop culture is just rewarding shallow behavior from top down / across the system.
If you want to live a more deep life, it takes YEARS of loneliness, uncertainty, and bucking social trends to finally be able to find your place - where you can thrive and see a positive impact on people. But the irony is that you had a huge positive impact all along, you just don’t realize it until years later when, if you’re persistent and lucky, it’s finally obvious.