There are two types of “nice” guys:
- Those who aren’t really nice, but try to act like it
- They who are actually are nice
And in my experience they both lose very often. I have had the opportunity to learn about women very intimately — as a woman. They are more like men then we think. We all want somebody who is:
a) Nice (respectful, listens, treats as an equal, etc.)
b) Good looking
c) Funny
d) Smart
e) Has a decent job, better yet one that makes a lot of money.
f) Good in bed
And since finding somebody who has all the above is more rare than finding a gold nugget sitting on the ground, we have to make tradeoffs. Which one do you think gets ditched first, and which one gets ditched last? Mostly at the beginning of a relationship when you haven’t had a chance to really get to know somebody.