This is what it’s like to be a man:
Many are idiots and emotionally unavailable. Ok, so let’s skip over them.
If you express your emotions in every day life you’re lambasted for being too emotional.
If you do so in a relationship you’re considered a weak man. Now a woman will appreciate your emotions if it’s to support her, but NOT if it’s about how you’re feeling about your life.
Then if you scale back your emotions so you’re not criticized, you’re accused of not caring. In other words, you’re screwed either way.
Then to add insult to injury you have to listen to women complain that men are emotionally unavailable, and that it’s 100% their fault. Not 99%, 100%.
But if you’re really good looking, it doesn’t matter what you say or do, you be liked and loved regardless. They might complain, but they won’t dump you.
So I became a trans women and both men and women treat me 1000x better, and I can act anyway I damned well please. The more emotional I am the more they love me.