Well, in summary, thanks for pointing out the grammar error I had in my original comment regarding the use of the superlative "all" I corrected it to make sure there is no misinterpretation so people like you won't assume I actually meant EVERY SINGLE GOOD MAN in the world is getting flushed down the toilet. So I changed it to: "Often true, but too bad about all the decent men out there who are getting flushed down the toilet along with all the others?" I'll be sure to be careful in the future in my use of superlatives.
A lot people on medium use superlatives inappropriately and say or imply ALL when they really mean MANY or SOME. It's not logical to assume that somebody actually means ALL men or ALL women when they make these kind of statements. Because there are approximately 7 Billion people in the world (approximately 3.5B men, and 3.5B women - this is an APPROXIMATION), it's is statistically impossible that every single one of them, without a single exception exhibits the behavior described.
So now we're down to what is a reasonable, positive response to when somebody grammatically makes a mistake in the use of superlatives. My response is to first assume they're not a complete moron and really mean MOST or MANY, and to gently point that out, and then consider what they are trying to say. Other people like to either fire back at them, and go confrontation (probably to bring attention to themselves or feel important), or make a snarky comment - this is what you chose to do.
So you make a statement "I don't know any good men who get "flushed" with the bad ones.". So what does that mean - why would you make that statement? What relevancy does that have, to what I said? What is your point? Why do I care what you've experienced when it has NO relevancy whatsoever to what I said? Maybe you have few friends. Maybe you're lucky and you haven't seen this. So the only logical conclusion I would draw regarding why you made this comment is you want to be snarky or confrontation because you want to argue in favor of women in this men vs. women argument people are always having on medium.
Either way, your comment is a waste of time. If I assume the best in your intentions I would say be careful on medium when you make sarcastic or what was possibly intended as a comical comment.