When I read Atlas shrugged (all 900 pages or so), when I was in my 20’s, it was immediately obvious to me that it was very dated. It appeared to be her personal slamming of the communist system in favor of capitalism (It was written in 1957..she was born in the Soviet Union and moved to the US). I saw it as an exaggeration to make a point during the Cold War. So I took it with a grain of salt and enjoyed it, taking away the good points and ignoring the many ludicrous ones. I related it mostly to the spoiled upper middle class people I grew up with who thought the world owed them something and they didn’t want to work hard.
However the danger is that many people appeared to worship her creed completely, and use that as an excuse to dominate regardless of the soft impact of their behavior. I suspect most of these people are alpha males like Musk who are so one sided, they are dangerous. Musk will never, ever see himself in any other way then a brilliant savior.