When I went from being a straight guy to a woman dating men, the first thing I noticed about being a guy was that my approach with women was totally upside down.
As a woman, it’s about me…I’m not interested in what a guy has done with his life, his intelligence, his romantic inclinations, etc. I’m interested in:
- Does he look at me with interest and a smile
- Is he going to make some kind of move on me that fits with the moment. (Ie confident, but not sleezy)
- Is he at least mildly interesting (but I don’t want to hear too many details, mainly that there is a real person inside his head)
As long as he’s not disgusting and disheveled, I really don’t care what he looks like, how old he is, what kind of clothes he’s wearing and if appears to have money.
And if the sex is good, I might be interested in learning more about him.
Dude had this totally backwards.