Wow, good list. A big conundrum is that as a result of this, a lot of gorgeous women come across as assholes due to constant frustration - who would blame them. There are assholes in every demographic, but I suspect gorgeous women have more than their fair share. It’s not their fault necessarily, but even if they don’t intend it to be that way, it’s perceived that way by men.
And good men, often thus don’t approach them, because a particular woman appears that way, or he expects it.
I don’t know of any good solutions. A lot of guys are douche bags. If it’s any consolation, this frustrates, good men quite a bit. Guys often wonder why can’t women distinguish between douchbags and others…prob because they have no clue what it’s like to be a women, and many don’t care to know. (And vice versa - I’ve been both)