Wow this is so pathetic. (Good article). This is a complex topic, because for example, I have personally experienced many doctors and psychologists encouraging me to transition (and spend money) without what I considered a reasonable balance to consider other options.
But that’s not a reason to attack them and dismiss the whole movement, and worse yet politicize it for money and power. This sort of thing is true in many professions. For example divorce attorneys love it when the two parties argue incessantly, because more of the money goes to them.
I realized after a while that of course doctors encourage me to transition. It’s not their job to question what I want. They are their to give me what I want, and to not instill any doubt.
It’s the job of the psychologist to do that. Even so, they need to encourage somebody if they’re doubtful. But where do you draw the line.
So like every other time you use any professional (lawyer, architect, doctor, etc) you need to do your homework and make the decisions yourself. You need to ask others who have gone through it. And we need better education starting with listening to people who have gone through it, and not predetermining that they are evil because it suites you to do so ..for power, money, ego fulfillment or because you’re bored. Tall order indeed in this world.