Wow, this takes the cake about human self-centered delusion
Humans vast intelligence is eclipsed by one thing:
Our capacity to delude ourselves when it puts us at the center of attention or power
Even the most intelligent people included
WOW! I can’t believe the number of people supporting and cheering on Putin or criticizing our government at this time in order to support the anti-Biden train.
I figure one of two things is going on:
- They are aware that the US has been naughty about various issues that aren’t clear. It appears perhaps we have gone back on our agreements with Gorbachev and/or Russia regarding not expanding NATO. Or perhaps going into Iraq or Sarajevo without broad international agreement and the full blessing of the UN. Or the US just being a bully and being hypocritical. Perhaps you could make an argument justifying Putin’s behavior in order to balance out the world.
- They want to be “right” about voting for Trump and supporting him after the siege. This FAR eclipses any minor annoying facts like the possibility of a third world war, or the changing of geopolitics in a really bad direction and setting a really bad precedence and a weakening of the West/US position. It’s too hard to do #1 and much easier to twist the facts and thought process to bend reality into supporting you as somebody who knows everything and is “right” — i.e. doing this subconsciously resulting in one really believing…
I’m going to go out on a limb here and apply Occam’s Razor* and say that I strongly suspect that #2 is the correct explanation. I seriously doubt most people have analyzed #1 and can speak logically about it in an open discussion. (And the very idea of having any kind of debate in the media / social media is laughable).
This really cements the idea that many of us really have gone to the dark side. What would cause folks to do this, is a VERY complex issue, we’ll have to address for another time.
*All else being equal the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one