Yes, there are a lot of really screwed up people in this world. Most of it caused by our culture which decimates our young souls to program us to conform to various control tactics for the purposes of creating lifelong consumers, good worker-bees, and large blocks of predictable voters. These mysterious forces remain hidden, and we’re left trying to figure out who to blame for our miseries, and blaming the opposite sex is a really convenient scapegoat. And since these mysterious forces are mostly men, and men are more privileged overall, it’s no surprise we end up where we are today.
After becoming a women, I realized the different kind of sexual power that women have and naturally like to exercise after growing up with a lot less power than boys. (That was my experience when I changed from being an undesirable man to a sexy desirable woman.). I’ve come to realize at a more deep level just how different these kinds of power are (men vs. women).
The men you are referring to (e.g. who turn to victim and hate groups) are detested by many other men, but of course we rarely hear about this, because drama and negative sentiment makes its way half way around the world before a decent guy can get his pants on. And being an ex-guy, I have some empathy and understanding of these annoying guys predicaments, but the memes and leadership that drive them to hate appears to be totally opportunist behavior from male “leaders”. This is is somewhat logical, because one thing I know for sure — most women don’t give a damned about men’s struggles, even the good guys. They feel like men have been privilege, so why should they care. And I understand why women might think that. It’s too bad that these mysterious forces have succeeded in getting us to fight each other, all while these real culprits remain hidden.