You could turn this around and say exactly the same thing about women. I’ve been on both sides of this (a man dating women, a woman dating me n). It is SO much easier for women to hook up..I calculated it with my own empirical data …it’s 250 times easier! (I even wrote a book about it). It has little to do with people’s behavior (sure there are outliers - dumbass guys). It’s mostly about the way you look (I can attest to that confidently!!!) and the dynamics of supply and demand…women have it so easy relative to men in the dating world, they don’t realize it. Women have no concept of how difficult it is dating as a man if you’re not really good looking or an aggressive asshole or spend lots of $. (And yes there are outliers like the gross guy who gets laid all the time) . Of course easy sex has its drawbacks, you meet a lot of assholes. And then you think most guys are like that.
But I concur, it’s only fair because men have it probably 250 times easier in the work world.