Your mistake is that you’re thinking logically and using facts. One would have to be an incredible moron to not understand this, all it takes is about 15 seconds of googling to realize this. So the only logic explanation is that people don’t care, they just want to feel good doing as little as possible.
“People cannot stand too much of the Truth”
- Carl Jung
As far as the electric car makers…they’re in it for the money. So the facts are to be avoided, too complicated.
Of course if you run a car company you must be aware of this, but you figure the power grid isn’t your problem. So you lie….and justify it by figuring eventually we’ll have a clean power grid.
But that costs money.
On the other hand you can argue that power plants are more efficient than cars. Which they are.
But then if you factor in the losses of transmitting the power, battery losses, electric engine efficiency, and that you really should compare an electric vehicle with a hybrid which is about 2x more efficient than a traditional gas engine.
But that’s too complicated for most people. Even really smart people.
Because many value looking good, feeling good,
and making money much more than the truth, which is just a pain in the ass, not as profitable and ultimately won’t get you laid.
That’s how I see it.