YouTube is not a news organization and is not a documentary organization and it’s business model is totally inconsistent with that (user content), yet people are treating it that way and there prob isn’t anything we can do about it, because this is what people want. It started with CNN, then Fox News, then talk show radio flourishing, etc.
The model I prefer is take in news from a variety of established brands with YouTube and social networks as an occasional amusement which actually acts as a check and balance, keeping the established news organizations on their toes (eg Rathergate). But I’m a weird freak — I read books, I’m educated, etc. I don’t matter.
We used to be able to manage this due to the cost of broadcasting, so the US government (who as stupid as they appear are still more wise than the unbridled masses because they have to debate) created rules such as the FCC Fairness Doctrine to ensure balance. But not only was that largely dismantled, even if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t matter because people like to consume junk. The Internet is an unbalanced double edge sword and has given us the power to destroy ourselves-kind of like nuclear weapons, but more sinister. Our entire country is in aggregate behaving like a bunch of teenage boys and teenage girls.
I think Elon Musk has the right idea. Send a small group to Mars. They are probably not the types that like to consume so much junk. Let them start a new civilization and species…evolution happens when an infinitesimal part of the population breaks off.
Or alternatively become more of a controlled dictatorship like China. Ugh.